Note to all Patients: Appointments with Canadian specialists require a referral be sent from a doctor, hospital, or another specialist. Clinics cannot book appointments for a patient without a referral.
* Medical Advisory Board Member
Dr. Chris White *
Dr. Sameer Chhibber
Calgary Neuromuscular Clinic
South Health Campus, 4448 Front St. SE
Calgary, AB
T3M 1M4
Fax # 403-956-3494
Dr. Zaeem A. Siddiqi, PhD *
Professor, Division of Neurology
Director Neuromuscular and Autonomic Diseases Program
7-112 Clinical Sciences Building
University of Alberta
Fax # 780-248-1807
Dr. Theodore Mobach
Calgary Neuromuscular Clinic
South Health Campus, 4448 Front St. SE
Calgary, AB
T3M 1M4
Fax # 403-956-3492
Note to all Patients: Appointments with Canadian specialists require a referral be sent from a doctor, hospital, or another specialist. Clinics cannot book appointments for a patient without a referral.
* Medical Advisory Board Member
Dr. Kristine Chapman *
Vancouver Hospital Neuromuscular Disease Clinic
EMG Lab, 8 th Floor
2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Fax # 604-875-4471
Dr. Katherine Beadon
St. Paul’s Neurology Associates
950-1125 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC
V6Z 2K8
Fax # 604-558-0833
Fax # 604-875-4471
Note to all Patients: Appointments with Canadian specialists require a referral be sent from a doctor, hospital, or another specialist. Clinics cannot book appointments for a patient without a referral.
Dr. Ian Grant, MD
Division of Neurology
Halifax Infirmary
Suite 3827 Halifax Infirmary Building
1796 Summer Street
Halifax, NS
B3H 3A7
Fax # 902-473-4438
Note to all Patients: Appointments with Canadian specialists require a referral be sent from a doctor, hospital, or another specialist. Clinics cannot book appointments for a patient without a referral.
* Medical Advisory Board Member ** Center of Excellence
Dr. Steven K. Baker *
Peripheral Neuropathy Clinic
McMaster University Medical Center
1200 Main Street West, HSC-4U8
Hamilton, ON
L8N 3Z5
Fax # 905-521-2656
Dr. Vera Bril *
Dr. Hans Katzberg *
Dr. Carolina Barnett-Tapia
Dr. Hamid Sadeghian
Prosserman Family Neuromuscular Clinic **
Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth St.
Toronto, ON
M5G 2C4
Fax # 416-340-4189
Dr. C. Elizabeth Pringle *
The Ottawa Hospital
501 Smyth Road – Room 4116
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8L6
Fax # 613-737-8857
Dr. Jiri Vajsar *
Hospital For Sick Children
Division of Neurology
555 University Avenue
Toronto, On
M5G 1X8
Fax #416-340-4189
Dr. Alex Jahangirvand, MD, FRCPC
Barrie Neurology Clinic
480 Huronia Road, Suite 204
Barrie, Ontario
L4N 6M2
Fax # 705-503-5801
Note to all Patients: Appointments with Canadian specialists require a referral be sent from a doctor, hospital, or another specialist. Clinics cannot book appointments for a patient without a referral.
* Medical Advisory Board Member
Dr. Rami Massie *
Dr. Olivier Blanchard (also at McGill)
Montreal Neurological Hospital Neuromuscular Clinic
3801 University
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2B4
Fax # 514-398-2745
Dr. Colin Chalk *
Dr. Erin O’Ferrall
Dr. Fraser Moore
Neuropathy Clinic
Montreal General Hospital
Fax # 514-934-8265
Dr. Angela Genge *
Director, Clinical Research Unit
Director, ALS Clinic
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
3801 University Street, Suite 207
Fax # 514-398-8576
Note to all Patients: Appointments with Canadian specialists require a referral be sent from a doctor, hospital, or another specialist. Clinics cannot book appointments for a patient without a referral.